It is difficult to keep a sparkling home, but there are some tips you can use to help make the process a bit easier. Use tips from professional domestic cleaning services to learn how to keep your home tidy without spending hours on it. You will be surprised at how easy cleaning can be when you strip the process down to the bare basics.
Refresh the Refrigerator
You are never going to be able to clean out your refrigerator every time you notice an odd smell. Keep old food cleaned out and keep everything wiped down, but you can also use coffee grounds. After brewing your morning coffee, take the grounds and put them into a bowl and then place these into the refrigerator on a shelf. These will last about two months and then just replace them with a fresh batch.
Clean the Garbage Disposal
If you want to keep your garbage disposal clean and break up the grease, toss some ice cubes down the chute and turn it on. Run some cold water and to help remove the smell that can sometimes occur, toss in some citrus fruit peels to keep it clean and smelling fresh.
Remove Scuff Marks
Scuff marks can be removed with a tennis ball. This will work on vinyl, tile, and woodwork. You can also use this method on painted walls to remove any scuff marks. Just use the ball as a sponge of sorts to rub away scuff marks.
Prevent Shower Door Grime
If you have shower doors you know that the grime can build up quickly and it can be really hard to get off. Take some lemon oil and rub this onto your shower doors twice a month so that water does not stick to them. You can also use car window treatments if you prefer, but this only need to be done twice a year.
If you have grime already built up, you need to get this off before applying the lemon oil or car window treatments. Use some salt and a soft cloth with some vinegar and water. The salt will work to make the cleaner a little abrasive which helps to scrub away stuck-on grime.
Toss It Right Away
There are places in your home that seem to attract clutter like a magnet, such as the kitchen counters and the dining room table. Try to avoid tossing things around and immediately either file your mail and papers or toss what you do not need. If you do this right away, it will save you a lot of time in the future. Many people will wait months and then need to spend hours sorting through things to ensure that they keep all important papers and get rid of the trash. You can use a paper shredder for your mail so that any private information stays private and is not seen by anyone.
Refresh the Refrigerator
You are never going to be able to clean out your refrigerator every time you notice an odd smell. Keep old food cleaned out and keep everything wiped down, but you can also use coffee grounds. After brewing your morning coffee, take the grounds and put them into a bowl and then place these into the refrigerator on a shelf. These will last about two months and then just replace them with a fresh batch.
Clean the Garbage Disposal
If you want to keep your garbage disposal clean and break up the grease, toss some ice cubes down the chute and turn it on. Run some cold water and to help remove the smell that can sometimes occur, toss in some citrus fruit peels to keep it clean and smelling fresh.
Remove Scuff Marks
Scuff marks can be removed with a tennis ball. This will work on vinyl, tile, and woodwork. You can also use this method on painted walls to remove any scuff marks. Just use the ball as a sponge of sorts to rub away scuff marks.
Prevent Shower Door Grime
If you have shower doors you know that the grime can build up quickly and it can be really hard to get off. Take some lemon oil and rub this onto your shower doors twice a month so that water does not stick to them. You can also use car window treatments if you prefer, but this only need to be done twice a year.
If you have grime already built up, you need to get this off before applying the lemon oil or car window treatments. Use some salt and a soft cloth with some vinegar and water. The salt will work to make the cleaner a little abrasive which helps to scrub away stuck-on grime.
Toss It Right Away
There are places in your home that seem to attract clutter like a magnet, such as the kitchen counters and the dining room table. Try to avoid tossing things around and immediately either file your mail and papers or toss what you do not need. If you do this right away, it will save you a lot of time in the future. Many people will wait months and then need to spend hours sorting through things to ensure that they keep all important papers and get rid of the trash. You can use a paper shredder for your mail so that any private information stays private and is not seen by anyone.