When you add up the time and money that you spend each month on house cleaning, you will see that it is a decent chunk of your budget. Some people find that household cleaning services save them big because, they find the benefits outweigh the cost. However, for those which hiring a cleaning service is not a option, these are some alternatives that you can do at home to save some money off of your household cleaning budget.
Make Your Own Cleaning Supplies
You probably already have the ingredients in your pantry that are necessary to fully clean a home. These items include baking soda, salt, olive oil, lemon juice, and white vinegar. Water is also necessary for most natural cleaning recipes and tap water works perfectly fine. For basic wiping down of appliances, counters, and tables keep a spray bottle with a mixture of water and white vinegar it. You can add a few drops of lemon juice if you want to cut down on the vinegar smell and make your home smell fresher. Soft, cotton clothes are really all that you need to use with the various homemade mixtures.
Dish Liquid
If you have dish liquid you have something that serves a variety of purposes. Carpet stains respond well to dish liquid and this can be combined with water and a little white vinegar to remove the stains. This also works to remove stains from windows and clothing and is far cheaper than buying separate products for each. You can also use this type of soap to wash clothes in a pinch and to wash vehicles.
Do Daily Maintenance
If you keep your home relatively kept up there usually will be no need for any heavy duty cleaners which can be quite pricey. Keep the dishes done, wipe off counters and eating surfaces, and wipe up any spills and splatters as soon as they happen. This will prevent stains, and dirt and food buildup so that it is never very difficult to remove.
Denture Tablets
There is a reason these keep false teeth sparkling and white and you can take full advantage of this to keep your toilet clean. Take two denture tablets and drop them into your toilet once a week before heading to bed. Once you wake up in the morning, do a quick scrub with a toilet brush and then flush the toilet. This will help to prevent toilet stains and keep your bowl sparkling and fresh for only a few bucks a month.
Coca Cola
If you have some stubborn rust on an item in your home there is no need to buy pricey rust cleaners and the same goes for grease stains because this soda can work these out too. This soda contains citric acid and this can help to clean windows very well and bring an old sauce pan with blackened areas back to life.
Make Your Own Cleaning Supplies
You probably already have the ingredients in your pantry that are necessary to fully clean a home. These items include baking soda, salt, olive oil, lemon juice, and white vinegar. Water is also necessary for most natural cleaning recipes and tap water works perfectly fine. For basic wiping down of appliances, counters, and tables keep a spray bottle with a mixture of water and white vinegar it. You can add a few drops of lemon juice if you want to cut down on the vinegar smell and make your home smell fresher. Soft, cotton clothes are really all that you need to use with the various homemade mixtures.
Dish Liquid
If you have dish liquid you have something that serves a variety of purposes. Carpet stains respond well to dish liquid and this can be combined with water and a little white vinegar to remove the stains. This also works to remove stains from windows and clothing and is far cheaper than buying separate products for each. You can also use this type of soap to wash clothes in a pinch and to wash vehicles.
Do Daily Maintenance
If you keep your home relatively kept up there usually will be no need for any heavy duty cleaners which can be quite pricey. Keep the dishes done, wipe off counters and eating surfaces, and wipe up any spills and splatters as soon as they happen. This will prevent stains, and dirt and food buildup so that it is never very difficult to remove.
Denture Tablets
There is a reason these keep false teeth sparkling and white and you can take full advantage of this to keep your toilet clean. Take two denture tablets and drop them into your toilet once a week before heading to bed. Once you wake up in the morning, do a quick scrub with a toilet brush and then flush the toilet. This will help to prevent toilet stains and keep your bowl sparkling and fresh for only a few bucks a month.
Coca Cola
If you have some stubborn rust on an item in your home there is no need to buy pricey rust cleaners and the same goes for grease stains because this soda can work these out too. This soda contains citric acid and this can help to clean windows very well and bring an old sauce pan with blackened areas back to life.
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